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Why dont you just do me a favor and STAY OUT OF MY CLOSET!!!

Post 1

Researcher 145070

Ahem...sorry about the rude and possibly quite frightening opening line there...i think i might be a victem of bad-temper-that-always-seems-to-appear-at-the-worst-time-possible desease...very rare...i think i am the only one that has it...unless thats what brok hudson has....oh..well sorry about the drifting away type of thing there...that would be another type of desease that i have, but for the sake of you, and for the sake of my pet dog, whose name is Lady, i wont go into that right now....instead i shall go into what i came to say in the first place; i have a great vacation spot for you to go is called Hocking Hills....the city that is nearest to Hocking Hills is Logan, which is located in the south-eastern portion of a little state, that also happens to be shaped somewhat resembling a heart, called Ohio...Hocking Hills is a large area that contains 7 different park-type wooded areas that have trails running through if you like hiking or real pretty scenery, Hocking Hills is definately the place to gosmiley - smiley....if you are actually considering ever going there, and you would like more specific and actually useful information, simply go to my homepage and post of forum, or whatever the hell you call them, asking for more information or just any questions you might have...and while you are at my lovely homepage, take a look at my even lovelier journel...if you are a person who gives good advice, or just a person who enjoys reading about other people's screwed up personal lives, then you just have to read what i put in there...(im probably over-selling it, but who really cares)
thanx a bunches
~Arthur, King of the Britains~

Why dont you just do me a favor and STAY OUT OF MY CLOSET!!!

Post 2


Thanks for that Arthur - tips of places to stay in the US is exactly what I need and in answer to your question, I'm always thirsty for knowledge but enjoy sharing my own too...I'll read through your home page and if and when I get to visit Ohio, I shall ask your advise.

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Why dont you just do me a favor and STAY OUT OF MY CLOSET!!!

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