This is the Message Centre for Maz

Hi Maz!

Post 1


Since you work here it seems a little strange to say Welcome to h2g2, I'm an Ace, yadda yadda...

But welcome anyway smiley - smiley

You may be interested to go here:

and you may be interested to go to lots of other places too.

erm, Happy Hiking!


PS I enjoyed your entry on St Lucia's Jazz festival.
(and have a fish smiley - fish)

Hi Maz!

Post 2


Why thank you for your welcoming message.
I was very interested in the comments that followed the "H2G2 Researcher ID Card" entry. We will most certainly give this some serious thought and keep you informed of any progress! Any other ideas of this kind are most welcome...


PS thanks for the fish, most kind

Hi Maz!

Post 3


Isn't she just lovely

We all love you Maz smiley - smiley

Hi Maz!

Post 4


Hi Crusadersmiley - smiley

I'm glad you seem to like the id card idea, Maz...smiley - smiley

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