This is the Message Centre for Mat of the Game

Hi there Mat ..

Post 1


Hello to you,
A very true observation you make in your opening statement smiley - smiley
The list of topics which you are thinking of writing about sound interesting also!
Let me introduce myself...
I am shazzPRME, but shazz does just fine, and I am one of the Aces... who try to greet newcomers and make you welcome to h2g2.
If you need any help in and around the site, want to know how to make your homepage more exciting, or how to include the 'smileys' on your page then please just drop around to any Ace and they will try to help you... or put you in touch with someone who can!
You may just want to check out if you haven't already done so, as most help you may require can be found there. Alternatively you can pop along to any Ace you happen to see online (the useful little button at the top or side of the page will show you who is about the site).
If you would like to visit me at my page, just click on my name and you will be magically transported to my personal 'Space' where you
will find a handy drop-down list of all the current Aces.
It is now well after 3am here and I am off to grab some sleep, but please feel free to leave me a message if you would like a chat.
shazzPRME smiley - magic

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Hi there Mat ..

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