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Ned Kelly

Post 1


Sticking my nose in again smiley - laugh

I used to live in Beechworth, spitting distance from Glenrowan and a town with Kelly lore by the bucketload. Want any help with the Ned Kelly entry, I'm more than happy to chuck some ideas in. I've often thought of doing an Entry on him, and your start looks great!

(plus my better half thinks Heath Ledger is it and a bit, so the movie was watched a few times needless to say. The new one with him in it, not the shocking Mick Jagger one smiley - erm)

Ned Kelly

Post 2

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

I had to watch the Mick Jagger one for History in high school. smiley - erm Can't remember much about it and haven't watched it since. Pretty forgettable.

I saw the Heath Ledger one a little while ago. I thought it was pretty good apart from the thing about him carring on with the squatter's wife. smiley - rolleyes I think it was based on the book 'Our Sunshine' which I think also contained that, although I've never read it. I hate it when they try to spice up stories by doing that. smiley - grr

My sister moved to Beechworth a couple of years ago and I've been meaning to take a trip up there to check out the Ned Kelly history. Am I right in thinking they have a sort of Ned Kelly week or festival there sometime during the year?

Thanks for the feedback.smiley - biggrin Any input you have would be great. Do you mind if I add you to my friends list?

Ned Kelly

Post 3


Not at all, add away smiley - smiley

Just let me know what you want to know or add to.

As far as Kelly is concerned, there's the Golden Horseshoes Festival at Easter in Beechworth that kind of celebrates him.

Agree about the Ledger film, still an enjoyable romp though.

Here's some trivia about Kelly:

The first Australian film was about the Kelly Gang (there is evidence to suggest it was the first film EVER too)

Aaron Sheritt's house was up on Ingram's Rock in Beechworth. He got shot on the doorstep.

Sidney Nolan's Kelly paintings can be seen at the Angry Penguin's Gallery in Melbourne.

Kelly had a bare-knuckles fight at the Empire Hotel in Beechworth, before he went all bushranger.

He drank at Tanswell's in Beechworth, and also spent a night in the cells in Beechworth while awaiting transfer to Melbourne for his trial.

Kelly's death mask can be seen at the Burke Museum in Beechworth, and a copy of his armour (or it might even be one of the other gang members, can't recall).

There's a place near the Gorge in Beechworth called Kelly's Lookout. He supposedly watched the Troopers from Wangaratta riding along the Glenrowan Road from there, so he could make good his escape after the bank job at Yarra. I think.

There's probably more to come, but feel free to chat abouts anything. It's nice to make contact with an Aussie with similar interests on here. A little piece of home, smiley - ta

Ned Kelly

Post 4

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

You're welcome.smiley - biggrin Thanks for the info. I'll start writing again soon.

Ned Kelly

Post 5


smiley - ok

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