This is the Message Centre for fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

subbing your Tapirs entry

Post 1


Hey opaleyesmiley - smiley

I'm subbing your entry on Tapirs - you can find the new version at A5864772. If you could take a look at that entry and make sure everything is the way you want it, that would be great.

smiley - cheers

subbing your Tapirs entry

Post 2

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

Hi echo,

Thanks. It's looking great! smiley - ok

subbing your Tapirs entry

Post 3


Right, I'll return it to the Eds then.smiley - biggrin

subbing your Tapirs entry

Post 4

fiery opaleye - the happiest little Vegemite as bright, as bright can be

smiley - ta very much. smiley - biggrin

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