This is the Message Centre for The Almost Thirteen Hitchhiker Freak


Post 1



I too was a twelve year old hitchiker freak, now i'm a 24 yr old hitchiker freak. Life gets at least marginally better, since there are lots of odd people around, and the more of them you meet the less you pay attention to the boring ones.

Well, have a nice time here, and if you ever fancy a cuppa, pop into the utopia cafebar, where you can meet optimistic freaks of many kinds.

welcome to a weirder world on the web.


BTW what are you doing online at this time of night???

smiley - smiley


Post 2

The Almost Thirteen Hitchhiker Freak

Hi, and thanks! What was I doing online? Telling my boyfriend to register and doing my homework!!! Urgh, which is what I am doing now.... GAH! It's eleven! Holy cow!

see ya around, purplejenny!

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