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42 The true answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?

Post 1


As you know The meaning to Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42. 42! Your thinking. Right I know the feeling. BUT do you think Marvin and Eddie know the true QUESTION or ANSWER that kinda thing. Look at the facts. Well look below to see the quotes.

This Quote is after Arthur Dent thought out loud about THE answer."Pick a number guys!" Says Eddie the shipboard computer. He of course is ignored he probably wanted them to say 42.

Now Marvin's quote. Thisn is in the desert.Not dessert not like cake smiley - cake or any thing desert. (I just wanted to do a smilely err cake thing.) "Pick a number any number." Marvin says.
"Errrmmm five." Zem says. (Zem is the name of a wild mattress all mattresses are called Zem.)
"Wrong." Says Marvin. He and his planet sized mind probably (improbably factor of 1 to 4.) figured it out long ago but no one asked so the universe was not destroyed. Again. Lucky us. So tell me If my first entry was a good entry.


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42 The true answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?

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