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hi miz
miz Posted Aug 26, 2008
Hi Jim,
Hope youre ok with the dizzy spells ect, I have slightly high blood pressure but I get no bother from it. I'll not be about for a few weeks from a week on friday, off on my hols.
hi miz
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 27, 2008
hi miz
what,s an holiday lol.
the last one i went on, was over 4 yrs ago, to visit a friend in eastkilbride, in scotland.
he used to be on h2g2 then.
john jock,or jgock123.
the weekend away to hull was my break, unless i win the £700 on the 3 numbers for the irish lotto, lol.
then i want to got to see a lady in blackpool. we and prof animal, said yrs ago we would go to meet.
my neice as moved to, sutton on sea, so a day or two there could be on the cards at some time.
- oh i do like to be,beside the seaside
jamie will be on the way to manchester by dinnertime, his flight home to germany is about 9pm tonight. if the flights on time. his dad will be seing on the plane, and the staff will watch him till he gets there.
my house is like a bombs hit it, so ive the tiding up to do when they have gone lol jimbob,(my sunday and friends name lol )xx
hi miz
miz Posted Aug 27, 2008
We'll be sort of travelling for 3 days, so we'll need another holiday when we get back. You should use your photo to get a passport and travell a bit.
hi miz
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 28, 2008
hi miz
i had a passport,till about 4 yrs ago, but never got to use it.
as i said, my last name being a french one, and ive traced back to 1700,s, i was hoping to get to france,
but back then i was under 60, and didnt get the extra pennies i get now, with credit pension.
it took a lot out of me, going overnight to the hull meet in july, it took me a week to get back to normal lol.
then jamie came, and i had to watch and take him out now and then, he went home last night, on the 9-20pm flight from manchester,to germany.
so now i have the pain, his father still here,and he will be unbearable for a week at least, he always his when jamie goes back. as jamies mother will no doubt quiz jamie, and the phone will go any day. and im the one that gets the fallout lol,
to me its, water off a ducks back, im used to his crap
its the cyber for a few hrs, after ive been to the library to find another two searches, one in 1948ish, the other, 1908. take care jimbob xx
ps the digi went off last night agin for about 5
hi miz
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Sep 9, 2008
hi miz
seen your message on the weather thread,dont go getting to much sun, it aint good for you, so im told, i cant even sit in the sun lol jim xx
hi miz
miz Posted Sep 28, 2008
Hi Jim, back to the cold now lol. I don't lie in the sun always the shade, I don't want to get to 60 and look like a prune. I tan easily so get brown just by walking around and sight seeing ect. We had a good time saw some not so nice things the povity ect. Would love to go back in a few years when the country gets more built up just to see how they cope with the modern world as we know it.
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hi miz
- 21: miz (Aug 26, 2008)
- 22: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 27, 2008)
- 23: miz (Aug 27, 2008)
- 24: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 28, 2008)
- 25: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Sep 9, 2008)
- 26: miz (Sep 28, 2008)
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