Journal Entries
kill all filters
Posted Jan 31, 2002
hi, at school, extremely bored and in a bad mood. i will now rant and rave about my problems. well atualy about the fact that our school found out how we were getting round the filtering system and removed the files. So now we are all sitting there hacking(or attempting to hack)the system. Oooh my friend max has just been kicked out so he'd obviously got somewhere he shouldn't. Ahh big red notice telling me and my friends that they are being watched and all their actions are recorded. Oh dear. Does anyone else have these problems? Does anyone else know how to get round them? I think that my life depends on it.
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Latest reply: Jan 31, 2002
the bristol science explorer (so they think).
Posted Dec 21, 2001
he he he lots of evil laugh cause i'm not mebt to be here. i'm a a museum and it haas a internet connection but only to science sites which means it has the bbc one and so i managed to get onto h2g2. heehehe. now i just have to get a general internet search and we're laughing
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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2001
the bristol sciene explorer (so they think).
Posted Dec 21, 2001
he he he lots of evillaugh cause i'm not mebt to be here. i'm a a museum and it haas a internet connection but only to science sites which means it has the bbc one and so i managed to get onto h2g2. heehehe. now i just have to get a general internet search and we're laughing
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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2001
absoloutly no subject what so ever.
Posted Jun 9, 2001
this is in fact a rather nice rhythmn o was typing on the full stop button.u probly cant tel how it goes v well so I wil try and explain goes somethin like this;
hmm wel that probly doesnt help much but i hope u get the jist of it any way
(u can make it up if u dont)
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Latest reply: Jun 9, 2001
ME! - an important part of life
Posted Jun 6, 2001
I've got blonde hair , blue eyes and a nose. I have lots of other body parts aswell and a few extras including three legs.
(I don't mind blonde jokesas there are loads of brunettes stupeder than me as i is eccepshonlea brite).
I live on a far away,little known country, which some of you might know called England.
There are two ways to find my house. 1 land at any airport in the world, go over a few hills, down a few dales up another hill until you find a medium-sized house with a couple of boats outside and you'll know it's mine.
the other way is to take a map of Great Britain, drop a pencil, pin or lump of doughon it. Where it lands is my house, yes even if it lands in the sea or the outer Hebridies.
I like qite heavy rock but I don't have many CD's as I live too far from Mars.
I also like Sting.Sting is amazing, Sting is cool, Sing is the best,
STING!!! (and of course the Police)
I am part BELGIUM, Engish and Irish (yeah I know blonde and Irish make the best peaple you needent bow down at my wonderfulness)...
... I suppose if the person who 'borrowed' my little finger gave it back then I might be part Scttish.
I'm 5'9''3/4 (almost 10'') and I like sport
(as you can see im saying things rather randomly).
I love reading absoloubtly anything (especially HP) and am willing to try any suggestions.
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Latest reply: Jun 6, 2001
Researcher U166278
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."