This is the Message Centre for lizza

Hi lizza...

Post 1

Jimi X

So I understand you're tall...

How tall are you actually? I have this suspicion you see. smiley - smiley

Hi lizza...

Post 2


is this a random q or what. why does heiht make 1 a suspishos caracter? hmm. answer me that me laddo. (sorry just been watching red-dwarf). im 5ft9 3/4 goes and measures self... d'oh shrunk. make that 5ft 9 2/3.

Hi lizza...

Post 3

Jimi X

You see, a short person told me you were tall and I suspected you were really only like 5-5 or something. (to my six year old, I'm one of the tallest men alive, but it's only because of her frame of reference)

But 5-9 does qualify for tall for a female - especially one who isn't done growing yet. smiley - smiley

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