This is the Message Centre for spice-E-friut

Weclome indeed...

Post 1

Is mise Duncan

I couldn't find "Weclome" in my dictionary so I am assuming it's a typo.
A quick net search revealed that it is a very common typo though...occuring in about 1000 web sites, and most amusingly at [URL removed by moderator] the "Center for Character and Education" smiley - winkeye

Anyhow - there are better meeters-and-greeters on their way. Just a few quick pointers: is a good place to start with - where all the questions (with the exception of "that one") are discussed. Also tells you who's doing the most talking and where - and lastly clicking on a contributor's name takes you to their home page.
Hope you like it smiley - winkeye

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Weclome indeed...

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