This is the Message Centre for Gunslinger

Hi Gunslinger!

Post 1

Jimi X

And welcome to h2g2! Do you live in Indiana? If so, you've got my sympathy over the weather! smiley - winkeye

Anyway, my name is Jimi X and I serve as part of h2g2's official volunteer welcoming committee. smiley - smiley The ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) are tasked with greeting newcomers to the site. So again, welcome!

I noticed your last name is Mix. Any relation to the famous Pennsylvania cowboy Tom Mix? I figured that might explain the gunslinger nickname...

If you've got any questions about the site or how to create pages or smilies or anything, feel free to pop by my personal space at and ask away by clicking on the 'Discuss this Entry' button. Or you can just respond in the forum below.

Cheers! smiley - ale

- Jimi X

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Hi Gunslinger!

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