This is the Message Centre for Jessi Q

divine intervention

Post 1

The Dirty Vicar

Hi i am the Dirty Vicar. Im new around here and just browsing though conversations looking to enter one to pass time in my class.
You see i am failing and dont have much of a desire to participate.
Anyway how did you come across H2G2. I honestly dont remember how I did.

divine intervention

Post 2

Jessi Q

How new are you?
You must have been here more than a week because every time I logon I check for poor lost souls like me!!!
I do not have a clue how I got here! I was on BabbleFish one moment then all of a sudden I was here...Any idea whether there's a link between the two sites?
Speak to you soon Revd.smiley - devil
smiley - smiley

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