This is the Message Centre for Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

A welcome from your ACE

Post 41

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I like last cusade too

A welcome from your ACE

Post 42

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

yes yes it's the best, though i also like raiders of the lost Ark. Still haven't heard anything yet bout the new one coming out.

A welcome from your ACE

Post 43

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


maybe it was just a big fat lie

A welcome from your ACE

Post 44

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

oh no! it's real, i want to say it's suppose tobe released this summe rbut it may be next summer.

A welcome from your ACE

Post 45

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

are they filming it at the moment then?

A welcome from your ACE

Post 46

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

ummm yeah i think they are let, me find some info

A welcome from your ACE

Post 47

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}


A welcome from your ACE

Post 48

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - bigeyes

I'm hoping to go see war of the worlds on wednesday

A welcome from your ACE

Post 49

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

ummmmm not sure how that one will be. I'm waiting for Charlie and teh chocolate factory and Fanstic (sp) Four to come out.

A welcome from your ACE

Post 50

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

you like the Gorillaz?

A welcome from your ACE

Post 51

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

yes I do


A welcome from your ACE

Post 52

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

caues i do too, is teh new CD any good?

A welcome from your ACE

Post 53

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

it´s not bad

A welcome from your ACE

Post 54

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

groovy, have to look into picking it up. This CD store i go to alot. Kind of a small, indie place. One or two of the guys know me there sens ei was in high school so were cool. Anyway, one of them gave me a sheet of Gorillaz stickers. they are kind of funny. my fave is always 19/2000. what be yours?

A welcome from your ACE

Post 55

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

songs? I quite like Dare

A welcome from your ACE

Post 56

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

is that on the new cd? notsure i heard it. ever see any of the music videos? they have one on MTV they saw ever once in awhile, and it's bout the ONLY time i stop on MTV XP

A welcome from your ACE

Post 57

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

yes it is

A welcome from your ACE

Post 58

Hippie_Alchemist {Be Thy for the People}

.........HAIL THE COMING OF THE CHOCOLATE BUNNIES THAT WILL RAIN DOWN.......well i guess chocolate......

A welcome from your ACE

Post 59

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - erm

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