This is the Message Centre for Viscouter the Infininitly Prolonged

Welcome to h2g2, Viscouter!

Post 1

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Greetings and Salutations, Viscouter

It was a very wise decision to become a member of the h2g2 community. You'll find out that the people around here are mostly harmless, friendly and polite. Maybe one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) has been around to welcome you officially, if not, this is going to happen very soon.

I am a member of another group in the h2g2 world: I am a Guardian Angel. The Guardian Angels (GAs) are some pious souls who wish to help you with your first steps in the h2g2 world and to welcome you unofficially. If you need help, just press reply and we'll be around. You can also jump over to the GAs heaven at and ask for your very personal GA. smiley - angel

If you wish to contribute to the Guide, you might want to learn GuideML, wich is a very close relative to HTML. This markup language is much easier to learn than it looks at first glance. Have a look at the GuideML Clinic at to find out more. If you are not sure what or how to write, look at .

If you are interested in clubs and communities, the overwhelmingly huge Guide to h2g2 clubs might be of some value. Just have a look at it at .

You can contact any researcher by simply clicking on her/his name. This takes you to the respective Personal Space. You can leave a message there by just clicking the 'discuss this entry' button.

Please keep in mind that all pages and conversations on h2g2 are absolutely public. You can participate in any conversation you might be interested in, but I would recommend you to read as many posts as possible before you 'break in'. If you are in doubt whether a conversation, although technically public, is really meant for anyone's participation, just look out for one of the Guardian Angels who take part in almost all conversations. You'll recognize us by a 'St.'-something name or by the shortcut 'GA' after the name. We might be able to tell you what's going on in the respective thread. But don't bother too much, you'll get the feeling very soon.

Don't let enyone (not even mesmiley - winkeye) intimidate you. H2g2 means fun. You are here to have fun, and you'll find out that most of the people in h2g2 are here to have fun as well. Why not share some fun?

smiley - cooljfsjbbsmiley - cool

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