This is the Message Centre for Hyperpeanut

welcome Hyperpeanut.

Post 1

Crystal Butterfly

I came here to greet you, and I cannot believe what you have written about Alice in Wonderland!
However, to enter this for a Guide Entyr, you should copy & paste it onto a Guide Entry {bottom left on your page} then enter it for Peer review
That will leave your homepage free for you to tell us a little about yourself!
Please do this, you are obviously a prolific writer, and we love prolific writers!
If you need any help getting around, just click reply and I'll be back to help.smiley - ok
See you around!
Crystal Butterfly{ACE}

welcome Hyperpeanut.

Post 2


Ill try to improve it first

welcome Hyperpeanut.

Post 3

Crystal Butterfly

Well you could type it out onto a guide entry, then ask me to come by & read it, then when you're happy, I can recommend it for Peer Review!

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