This is the Message Centre for Warrior_mouse

Ignore them!

Post 1

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

It wasn't your fault.

Here's what I posted on your original thread:


In defence of inadvertant posters:

Is it not a singularly poor piece of user interface ergonomics (A3213127) which allows people to post where they oughtn't?

OK - so the argument might go 'But there was a big notice saying that they shouldn't'. But consider - would we be entirely happy with a sign that said, 'Keep away from the nasty, rotating knife blades!' Often there's an argument for guards and rails.

The result here is that an innocent poster has been lambasted by various old lags, simply for the sociable act of sharing some news which might (conceivably ) be of interest to the sorts of people who are interested in this sort of thing. But it wasn't Warrior_Mouse's fault. It was the fault of those-who-should-know-better who evidently failed to put together a user-friendly website in the first place. Frankly, it's not the only glaringly obvious usability fault with this site.

(My professional usability consultancy services are available for a reasonable fee)


So do stay on board and don't let the smart-alecks put you off. See you around!

Ignore them!

Post 2

Researcher 1214535

I'm with Edward the Bonobo on this one Warrior Mouse .... don't be put off - not everyone is that fierce smiley - smiley

keep posting ... it's nice here, honest smiley - biggrin

Ignore them!

Post 3


I would like to add that, although I'm not sure what Ashtabula is like, or whether you mean the city or the county, I am confident that it would be a good thing if Ashtabula got rocked.

smiley - cheers
(that's root beer)


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