Journal Entries


I feel there is more to this digging in the dirt; more to the careful tending of these little genetic packages. For me, it's a bit of a meditation, a balancing of my karma.

My efforts have been rewarded by corn stalks beginning to leap upwards, racing with the sunflowers who are very imposing along the back fence. The green beans are struggling and the blueberries are slow, but the tomatoes, onions and the herb patch are all brilliant. Perhaps the peppers will come around soon, as well.

I had the first bits of fresh basil sprinkled on pasta at dinner last night and the flavor just exploded in my mouth.

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Latest reply: May 29, 2003

looking around the old place

It's a bit like visiting an old apartment one used to live in. Strangely famliar; the past echoing oddly in the corridors of the present.

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Latest reply: Feb 10, 2003


Vacation was great; I want to move to the Texas Hill
Country and live on a ranch. It is just so gorgeous there;
peaceful and green with lots of rivers and horses.
We stayed in a little cabin in the heart of the State
park, surounded by nothing but trees but furnished
with air conditioning for comfortable sleeping. We
swam in the Guadaloupe River which is wide and deep.
We went on a trail ride up and down the hills in the
early morning, Emma and I both on a strong, good
natured horse named LBJ. That horse was a wonder.
Emma was sitting side saddle for comfort. When the
trail narrowed, he made a point of brushing against
the trees away from where she was sitting. Twice he
lost his footing going down rocky trails and twice
he butted us up under him, got his footing, took a deep
breath and went calmly on. We both gave him a big
hug when we got back. We went on a few short hikes and
saw a four point buck up close. The sky was bright
with stars at night. We told funny scary stories
which were less funny when we were alone at night
wondering what that knocking sound was (a deer). We
made really good chilli and corn bread for dinner
and had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. We read
lots of Harry Potter and found a great combination
coffee shop/auto parts store that made the BEST
cherry pie I have ever tasted and has music on Friday

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Latest reply: Aug 24, 2001

Taking a break

Life is busy, right now. Its all good, so I'm not complaining, but I will be absent from here for a little while while I focus attention on other things. Like the two new puppies that seem to have weedled their way into my house while I wasn't looking. Darn those large eyed, furry mammals.
I'm looking forward to my little girl's summer vacation the same way I used to when I actually got a summer vacation (only 2 more days of school! Yay!). Looking forward, too, to having this grant done and submitted by July 1. The lab is crazy right now. Too many experiments to do.
In the mean time, I am playing my fiddle and drums and my brand spanking new digeridoo (my neighbors must really love me). Exploring some new music and writing music with my friends. My kiddo walked in while I was playing Swallowtail Jig (and making a real pig's ear of it, I might add) and her eyes got wide. "Wow! Mom! You're good!" Heh... such is unconditional love.
And so, adieu until later!

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Latest reply: May 29, 2001


My daughter and I visit our friends at their house on Sunday afternoon. I am welcome there, even in my sweaty clothes after rehearsal. The four of us sit on the sheet spread in the backyard, tempera paints in little pots, a myriad of brushes, and lots of brown cardboard squares piled up. This is how we get re-acquainted after time apart. We sit, chat, and paint. This is a language we all are comfortable with.

The girls are bold and make wonderful swirls of colors running altogether before they leap up and disappear inside. Trisha and I stay outside and paint, talking the way women do when they are alone and not self-conscious.

The girls reappear.. these miraculous blonde offspring from two dark-haired mothers, down the porch steps they fly, each sporting layers of shimmering cloth and brightly colored feathers like two exotic birds suddenly released from captivity.

They announce that they are Wild Fairy Princesses and flit around us in brilliant flashes of light and color. We are the calm at the center, the point they orbit around in all their frenetic glory. I am sure my heart will burst from the sheer beauty of them. I love their wildness, the fierce determination of their imaginations as they create a world together in that backyard and grant these two mothers the honor of brief passports to that wondrous place of being five years old, when the world was full of possibilities and could be made into exactly what you wanted by uttering the magical words:

"Mommy! Pretend that .....!"

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2001

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