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The Relationship Between men and women
Posted Dec 13, 2000
Alright, so here is the most complicated subject today (besides how Floridians count their votes) and I am attempting to make some sense of it.
I guess what i feel is that Men and Women are basically alike. We are both insecure, lonely, wanting to be loved and generally nice people (i am speaking generally here, there are exceptions to every rule, including this one) looking for someone to share our lives with. The difference is in how we approach reaching these goals.
Men tend to take thigns head on, addressing the problem and getting directly to the root of it and solving it(unless it has to do with their feelings) where as women will over analyze the situation and become more insecure (unless it has somethign to do with fashion). For example:
MAN: That woman is cute, and I think I could like her. I will go over and say hi.
(man walks over and approaches woman)
MAN: Hello, do you come here often?
(WOMAN turns to look at MAN)
(man looks dumbfounded)
(uncomfortable silence)
MAN: Well you should.
(MAN walks away and returns to his beer and burger)
The difference in this skit is between the male and female thought processes.
WOMAN'S THOUGHTS: oh hello its a cute man and hes saying hi wait he asked if ive been here before oh no what if i have dated one of his freinds and not even known it what if this is a male put-up-your-buddy-to thing and maybe i hurt his freind and he is looking for revenge oh no what am I going to say!!!
MAN'S THOUGHTS: ok here goes again we will try this ice breaker.
MAN'S THOUGHTS: well fine i guess she doesnt want to talk ... Im hungry... must eat....
So you see the utter lack of parallelism in thought is the problem. I know what some of you are saying, "Well what about sex? The guys think about that all the time" Which is true. But the lesser unknown truth is that guess do women. Guys, I know what you're saying, "no way!!"
All the time, about as much as we do. And I know what the girls are saying, "Trevor, what the hell? You're giving away all our best secrets!"
But it's ok, we need to figure this stuff out! This is the way to the solution!
But actually, I have no clue. I can only make guesses directed by my observations of both genders. That and being a member of one helps tremendously. So my question is, why don't we start getting these thoughts down onto type! We can learn so much from each other!
Like what is up with girl and guy best freinds? Why isn't it a sexual relationship? Or why is it?
How about what we should do about the communication thing? Maybe a color flag systrem would work? If your single and looking you have a red flag on? If you're married and don't want to hurt feelings you have a white flag on?
A female perspective would be wonderful as well. Let's start a forum and learn from each other!
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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2000
Snow....Snow...and more snow
Posted Dec 11, 2000
A fleeting white flake crosses your field of vision, a chilly gust of wind whips by your ankles, what have you discovered? why its snow! The solid version of Rain. Oh boy, how wonderfully exciting. And it is, the first few times you see it and even the first five or ten minutes you see it again. but then it comes full force and your car is covered in a foot of drift and your PORCH has snow on it and your shoveling and spinning tires and...AUUGHH!
Ok, im fine now. i just got in from an eight hour day of work only to find that not only did my drive way, sidewalk, and steps needed to be cleansed of the white substance, but my entire porch needed it as well. Right.
The Midwest and especially the area around the great lakes has this strange propensity for snow. It loves dumping buckets of it, or huge three foot thick, fifteen mile wide flakes upon your poor unsuspecting head, and then melting it three days to weeks later, having all the icy fun it may with you in between. And then it gives you about a week to two of nice days interspersed with horribly freezing tundra windy days, and then the cycle begins anew. The term that most midwesterns and especially Michiganders have come to use is "Lakeffectsnow" Which is thrown about quite liberally whenever a flake is spotted in the air. As if this "lakeffectsnow" will somehow be simpler for all of us to shovel if we have some deeper understanding of what it might be called.
The fact is that we humans can never predict or control the almighty system known as weather. But we sure can come up with alot of cool names. Like stratus; or nimbus; or Meteorlogical effect. And some person will of course use these fancy words as if they have, on some deep subconcious level, merged with the entity known as weather and now will cause it to perform a hat dance while juggling flaming torches, but what they are really thinking is "I have to shovel the darn porch AGAIN!"
So remember, next time your in the midwest, especially Michigan, watch out for the horrible "lakeffectsnow," before it eats all your children.
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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2000
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