Journal Entries


Well, I was thinking about this a while ago, so since this is supposed to be an area where I jot down whatever comes into my head... you get to see it!


You don’t go crazy. The word go implies that it requires some sort of effort. Being crazy, in fact, requires much less effort than being sane. You have to try to be sane. You have to repress all the impulses and thoughts that suddenly enter your brain and demand to be let out, because if you said them, you’d be insane. So maybe you fall insane, like falling in love. It’s not really something you can control, it’s just something that sort of happens, that exists on its own whether you like it or not.

Anyway, so that's my personal theory. It's also my way of life smiley - smiley

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Carla the Canadian (Muse of Bassoonists)

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