This is the Message Centre for threeoftwo:- Alright, already!!!.

your tea's ready

Post 1


Hello there

smiley - coffee for you at

hope you're settling in nicely


your tea's ready

Post 2

threeoftwo:- Alright, already!!!.

Hi purplejenny!
smiley - cheers for the c(~) It's a bit cold now, but I'll stick it in the microwave. Settling in nicely, h2g2 feels like HomeSweetHome!


your tea's ready

Post 3

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

greetings, 3O'2 feel free to drop over to my space for a cuppa and free advice.

your tea's ready

Post 4

threeoftwo:- Alright, already!!!.

Hi barblefish!
Mmm, you're scones are lovely, have some smiley - choc
Advice needed! My smileys smiley - smiley are O.k, but my drinkies don't seem to be working smiley - empty And I need one! Any ideas?


your tea's ready

Post 5

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

Maybe some orange juice smiley - oj will assist. It's freely available in Balwyniti.

your tea's ready

Post 6

threeoftwo:- Alright, already!!!.

Hmm... (wanders off to smiley page again, and comes back looking hopeful)
smiley - coffee
smiley - oj
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

your tea's ready

Post 7

threeoftwo:- Alright, already!!!.

(jumps up and down with glee)
Oh I see! There's more than one way to write these drinkies, and some don't work smiley - silly me!
(is happy now.Small things...)

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