This is the Message Centre for Zeus

Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 1

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 2


smiley - hug

I am thinking of putting the destruction of bob to the vote in the muse E-group...not shure yet I kind of want to start againe compleatly....but talk to the same people (if that makes any sence stop me please) I meanI made some private things to public and am now woried about it..

Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 3

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

PLllghhh.... my love life's all over this place... Thinking about deleting my journals... But I won't... can't wait to write new ones to take up that space.

This really sucks. I have been crying off and on again today(saw him from a distance a couple of times at work).... you know I loved that poophead with all my heart!?? Gave him far more than he deserved... probably half of it is that he's too young to appreciate it...

I'm more than likely not going to CSU. I'll stay here and save up my money. It doesn't really matter what college you graduate from...

Mom was upset last night as I was going upstairs, "You want to go to CSU for a stupid reason. And that reason is Jesse."

Of course I was in tears, because she doesn't know it was for love I wanted to go there... She doesn't believe in love anymore... smiley - cry

I remember what convinced me to go there-- Jesse said he didn't think our relationship could handle that distance... but he's been the one who has put forth the distance, keeping truths from me because he thinks it will hurt me or he will lose me. That hurts me far worse.

He just can't be honest and blunt like I can... I try too much... I love too god damn deep, Mike!!! ARGH!!! Whoever I am with, that guy becomes the center of my universe... I hate being so weak when my universe is indifferent... smiley - sadface

Sorry... I am sooo emotional right now. I want to tell him off... But still part of me hopes he'll realise what he is missing and appreciate me... Then I read the e-mails I have saved... and remember what a struggle is has been.... Grrr....

Every relationship has some struggle, but I don't think he EVER took my words(which came direct from my feelings) seriously!!!

Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 4


Jesus and I thought I had a bad day
smiley - hug
your right about one thing...we never apreasheate a good thing untill it has gon. I wish there was somthing I could do. there is nothing I can say but han in there I gess
smiley - hug

Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 5


smiley - hug
You don't love too deep, you can't do that!
But _you_ must be the center of your universe!

smiley - blue

Mike, I see you've set that poll up. I'm not going to vote! I think that you must take the decision yourself... but I *do* care, so I can't say I don't! smiley - smiley
I want *you* to stay, not necessarily the U-number...

smiley - hug

Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 6

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::recovering from crying:: Thank you both for being sooo good... smiley - hug

I am very blessed... smiley - winkeye

Just give me strength to tell him to leave me alone!??

I think I must wait until I know FOR SURE... but I am pretty darn damn ... yeah... I am sure... I will keep in mind your words, Ottox... thank you... smiley - hug

Thank you both!!!!

Happy Bobmas!!!

Post 7

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

The bill is in the post smiley - tongueout

and I will s as I said just having a really bad day although I did that without thinking I do that to often latly

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