This is the Message Centre for Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

fancy that

Post 1


i just looked at your page and then popped back to mine and saw your reply... yeah, that procrastinator's society...i definately belong, but you see, i would much rather poke around the internet exercising my brain. i don't like a messy house, can't function right, too many distractions, but somehow i seem to put it off.

too true, work will be much more interesting. actually, if this site had a chat as well as posted conversations that would be great. i am an unfortunate slave of immediate gratification. partially due to my fear of forgetting where i was and trying to get back there...

visit again...

fancy that

Post 2

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

Thanks for dropping by, sorry I cant stay to chat, I have to go home from work now. Catch up with you reel soon!

What part of earth are you from? or currently residing?

I hail from snowy river...

fancy that

Post 3

aaangel, other side of the earth. it's about 1 am here and winter! i am from michigan, usa. the real snowy river? that's one of my favorite movies. one of those good standbys when i don't know what to rent.

i'd give you my email address, but not sure i want it posted for the rest of the universe to see...not sure if i can take something off after i've put it on, so for now i wont.

well, i have to work tomorrow so i need to go to bed, sleep is calling me.

fancy that

Post 4

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

Well not right at Snowy River - we are about 50 kilometres away at Colinton-Michelago on the Monaro. But here is a tradition in my husband's family that the "man" (Tom Burlinson in the film) is based on a great-uncle - they are all from Bombala not far from Snowy River country - "the rooftops of Australia".

Both Michelago and Bombala is very cold in winter - what's the celcius reading in Michigan today? We are of course into th fourth day of summer - after a cold, wet spring the top was about 24c today.

anyhow, off to cook some curry for dinner
catch ya later

fancy that

Post 5


celsius reading... er, uh, i had to go change my weather page to celsius, the education system here has a desire to keep us 'different' than the rest of the world, in which case, we still use Farenheit... the low was -5 and the high was 2. And it was cloudy and snowed a bit, but not enough to stay. (which is okay with me right now...need new tires and all that) well, i'm off to check a few things on e mail. what kind of place do you work? i'm in a bank, in sales (loans and other accounts)was looking for a career change possibly (out of retail and into..?)but after seeing the options, found that i may need to take a few more classes to be able to get in anywhere... that's my next endavor i think. enjoy your *warm* weather!

fancy that

Post 6

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

Hello hello hello and welcome back!
I really cant tell you what kind of work I do couse ther's not many of us and if the BIG BOSS gets wind of my adventures in H2G2 he's going to figure out that I haven't spent all may day at work working.

I'm in a sort of admin, database, publications and webmastery sort of role. I'm hoping to be headhunted by a realy kewl and hip company that recognises my awesome talents and pays me sqillions for being kewl and hip. (the computer nerd's dream)

Go somewhere warm for christmas. We always have christmas at the beach, though the sand tends to make the christmas pudding a bit gritty, and the sunblock does not go well as a dressing for roast turkey.

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