This is the Message Centre for Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 1

Researcher 152440

HI, I'm JLC the TTP - TTP stands for the total package, JLC the initials of my name. I wanted to adopt a pet babblefish and the Universal One has sent you to me.
Please disregard the Abbay intro and look for researcher 159694, I am keeping in touch with the h2g2 and about to revise Abbay's Space since she's not interested and I am using her computer.
Enough about me. Welcome to the h2g2, Where do you hail from on earth?
I relate to so much of your philosopy- especially the poetry and the study of languages. Please see if you can find Researcher 159694 on the who's online and click it. If not well...Revision for Abbay929's site and I will reveal myself there.
Worlds of Love,

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 2

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

Hi JLC (the) TTP.
where do I hail from on earth?
Here's some research for you...

I "...hail from snowy river" (see A.B. or Andrew Barton (Banjo)Paterson - collected works or "the Man from Snowy River")

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 3

Researcher 152440

Dearest Babblefish,
I appreciate that you don't mind my transforming your name. The babblefish is a little yellow fishy with a very large eye on he h2g2, see purplejenny's site if you can catch it. What does barblefish standfor, or translate to? Just curious. Thanks for letting me adopt you, I really do want my very own pet babblefish.
Now research, that is something I do a lot of....and I don't mean Duh!
Haven't got the time right now but I will look it up asap, I am a girl with a mission assigned.
Let me take a wild fish-eyed guess though without the research.
I have the impression, that is, somewhere I percieved that The Man from Snowy River was about a hermit somewhere in the Colorodo Rockies.
I could be wrong. Yes or no will do, but rest assured I will look into the tome as it "must seems" to be a part of your persona in whom Iamd very interested in. Having adopted you as my pet and all.
Worlds of Love,

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 4

Researcher 152440

Dearest Madame Babblefish,
Research was easy, my reply too hasty. I just checked out another conversation you were having with aangel and it appears you are an Aussie. My bad on the guess. Facinating though, the "rooftops of Austraila, eh?" Fancinating. Must be a lovely place to sound out Vedic poetry and Chant and such. I'll be stopping by again soon as I can pet.
Worlds of Love,

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 5

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti

Okay smiley - ok, seeya soon
Aum chantii, chantii, chantii.
(may peace and peace and peace be with you)

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 6

Researcher 152440

Dearest Pet Babblefish,
And so it is, Peace is with me tonight. I thank you for your uplifting chanting for my spirit. Could you enlighten me sometime on the sounds of the tantra which open the spiritual chakras? Just spell them phonetically for me. I am sure you are studied in this. I will use the chant you have sent me as a mantra tongight as I meditate upon peace and the opening of a thousand lotus petals from the center of my forehead through the top of my head. Good night sweet babblefish.
Worlds of Love,
(psst: Namasti)

JLC the TTP to Babblefish philological picean

Post 7

Barblefish-philological piscean, Keeper of Teatime Paraphernalia and Advisor to the Royal Court of Balwyniti


Ooooh chakras! I know lots and lots.
sound, hum or imagine:

1 LAM (lahm) Base chakra Muludhara best if you sit on ground with legs crossed, nice warm glowy feeling near bottom. (black-red)

2 VAM (vahm) 2nd chakra Svadhistana nice warm glowy feeling in deep tummy (orange fiery)

3 RAM (rahm) 3rd chakra Manipura warm bright light in middle body, radiant being 10 petalled lotus. (yellow gold white)

4 YAM (yahm) 4th chakra Anahata glowing radiant heart-thymus harmony feeling 12 petals (green and pink like fields and sky at sunset)

5 HAM (hahm) 5th chakra Visuddha Resonant throat clear voice speak out truth inspiring 16 petals (blue)

6 OM (ohmm) 6th chakra Ajna 3rd eye! all tingly in low centre of forhead, wide open intuition 96 petals (indigo violet)

7 AUM (aauummmm) 7th chakra Sahasrara top of head purest being 100 petals, nuff said!

Clever little smiley - fish!

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