This is the Message Centre for Shannon

welcome Shannon..

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I saw you were new here so I thought I'd drop by and introduce myself.
My name is Galaxy Babe and I am another Researcher like yourself, it's just that I've been here a little longer!
I'm an ACE {Assistant Community Editor} and a Guardian Angel, one of many Researchers who likes to meet and greet new people to h2g2.
This is a fantastic site and I am sure you are going to have a great time here!smiley - ok
I have put together a page of useful links, if you'd like to click here: and take a look!smiley - biggrin
If you have any questions at all, about the site, or if you think I can help you with my extensive knowledge of h2g2smiley - biggrinplease just click the reply button and I'll be back to answer you!smiley - magic
Until then, have fun hitchhiking around!smiley - smiley
Galaxy Babesmiley - flyhi

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