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those annoying tags on pillow cases

Post 1

The Apathatic Mistress Amphetama (aka The girl who cared so much she eventually shut down)

I hate them. They rattle, crunch, and generally p*** me off. Nothing's worse than being woken up by the crunch of alittle piece of paper who's entire purpose in life is to tell people they have just bought a pillow case constructed of cotton and rayon.

those annoying tags on pillow cases

Post 2

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Amen to that...and Halleluja, we have scissors!

those annoying tags on pillow cases

Post 3

The Apathatic Mistress Amphetama (aka The girl who cared so much she eventually shut down)

Yeah, but then it's even harder to get to sleep. After you cut the tag off, you have to lay awake for hours wondering if you might ever need to remember what the pillow case is made out of. (Never know when your cousin Tim, who is allergic to everything, plans to drop by for a visit) How can you explain to him that you are the reason his cheeks are puffed out to look like a cream filled dounut after a wonderful night of sleep on the pillow you would have know was made out of rayon IF you had kept the tag on? Eventually, all the guilt of what might happen gets to me, and I'm forced to glue the tag back on....

those annoying tags on pillow cases

Post 4

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

arrr... You have a point... What about painting the text on the tags directly on to the pillow case? Granted Tim isn't allergic to paint-chips, everything would be so much better... wouldn't it?

And about guilt; eat icecream.smiley - winkeye

those annoying tags on pillow cases

Post 5

The Apathatic Mistress Amphetama (aka The girl who cared so much she eventually shut down)

Ice cream is a great idea... in fact, I was just enjoying a bowl of cafe latte flavor ice cream a moment ago.

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