This is the Message Centre for Mat

welcome Mat..

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi there!
I noticed you were new here, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello!
My Researcher name is Galaxy Babe, and I am a Guardian Angel and an ACE, that's Assistant Community Editor. We meet and greet new Researchers volunterily.
This is a great site, if a little daunting at first.
If you have any questions at all, after you've had a browse around, please hit the reply button and ask away! I'll be back to answer you!smiley - tongueout
How to make the smileys:
and if you post your birthday here: you should get some birthday greetings on your special day!smiley - bubbly
Have fun hitchhiking around!smiley - ok
~Galaxy Babe~smiley - angel

p.s. Hope you had a safe journey to Australia!smiley - tongueout

welcome Mat..

Post 2


Galaxy Babe,

Thanks for the message, I was beginning to feel a little un-welcome but I guess I was just a little paranoid.

Well it's great to be here in Oz and I shall post my very first entry soon (hopefully it won't be too duf). I've been keeping a hand written log of my adventures but I waas wondering if it was possible to attach a couple of pictures with them??

Well gotta go, the outback town of Orange is where I'm heading.

Keep smilin

Mat Preece

welcome Mat..

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You can write your notes as journal entries, Mat!
Much safer than hand-written notes!
You can start your entry anytime you want, it won't be looked at {unless you request it} until you enter it for the Peer Review system.
As far as pictures goes, it depends on the source of the picture.
If it's a photograph, taken by yourself, that's no problem.
Anything else, you will have to discuss with the person who edits your entry.
Let me know if you have any queries about the rest of the site, and have a great time in Australia!smiley - biggrin

~Galaxy Babe~

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