This is the Message Centre for TigrrHobbes

welcome TigrrHobbes..

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi there!
I noticed you were new here, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello!
My Researcher name is Galaxy Babe, and I am a Guardian Angel and an ACE, that's Assistant Community Editor. We meet and greet new Researchers volunterily.
This is a great site, if a little daunting at first.
If you have any questions at all, after you've had a browse around, please hit the reply button and ask away! I'll be back to answer you!smiley - tongueout
How to make the smileys:
and if you post your birthday here: you should get some birthday greetings on your special day!smiley - bubbly
Have fun hitchhiking around!smiley - ok
~Galaxy Babe~smiley - angel

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