This is the Message Centre for PedanticBarSteward

Loving your work

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I have just read your poetry piece in this week smiley - thepost and think you make a fantastic poet and writer. Keep up the good work. I'm rooting for you. smiley - smiley

Loving your work

Post 2


What can I say but 'Thank you'

If only a publisher would think the same!! smiley - sadface

Loving your work

Post 3


If you haven't see it - go to: I didn't send it to the post because I thought that they might think the last line BEEB politically incorrect. It hasn't been yiked yet!!

Loving your work

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Well I guess the BBC's h2g2 is a publisher of sorts smiley - smiley Don't give up on trying to get your work put in books etc. Enter all the competitions you find and your hard work I'm sure will pay off. smiley - smiley

smiley - ta for letting me have a pre-glimpse at your written piece and well done on getting it into smiley - thepostsmiley - applause I can see what you mean it is controversial. However, some of the most prominent characters in history and pieces of writing have been controversial.

Loving your work

Post 5


Thank you again.

Yes - the BeeB is a publisher (of sorts) but pays nothing. However it is nice to 'get read' and the feedback is helpful (whether critical or complimentary)

It is odd though. I can recite pomes, non stop - for about four hours and the mothers here (in Morocco) bring their babies to me to get thm to sleep. I get through about the second 'fit' of the Hunting of the Snark and they are comatose.

And yet I cannot remember a single pome that I have ever written!!


Loving your work

Post 6

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I wonder how many times you have recited your it less than the times you've recited other people's? If so this may be why.

Loving your work

Post 7


I have never recited a single poem that I have written. I write them (in an incredibly short time as - if I have to think about them, I just stop) and that is the end of it. There is but one that I can remember (a 'LITTLE WILLY' acrostic) that I CAN remember and the odd thing is, is that I wrote it by hand NOT on the Mac.

Wot ‘appen?

Willie – when he reached eleven,
Obtained an AK47,
Trained it on his great aunt Mable,
And shot her as she laid the table.

Pa-pa – waiting for his meal,
Praised the child – though he did feel,
Even if the boy was right,
Now there’ll be no tea tonight.

Loving your work

Post 8

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

A teacher once said to me when I was revising for my exams that to remember something it should be repeated seven times. Write it down, record it aloud and play it back to you. I know some places like to see and hear poetry. Go along be brave and offer it up.

I found myself dancing yesterday on stage and have been up in front of audiences before. smiley - dontpanic focus on what you are doing at first rather than the audience you have in front of you. My downfall is mirrors if I see one I get sidetracked ...I don't know why but they really do put me off.

Anyway I am waffling...I'll let you get back to what you do best writing smiley - biro

Loving your work

Post 9


There aren't many such places in Casablanca!

However, the vast number of children in my wife's extended family all demand that I recite them Carol, Lear, Milne, Struwwelpeter and Harry Graham - the tons of nonsense pomes that I was brought up on and are ever etched on my brain. They don't understand a single word but 'know' the different pomes.

I suspect I could be arrested for reciting the Hunting of the Snark to Moroccan children - certainly the Dong with the Luminous Nose is highly questionable - but such rhymes send them to sleep.

I think that my mama's remark - a few years ago - "Nice doggerel dear" switched something on in my brain (like learning any foreign language) that acts as a firewall and says, 'you don't need this'.

Loving your work

Post 10

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Oh dear smiley - sadface Could you not organise one?

It's nice to have an audience and one that smiley - love you smiley - biggrin

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