This is the Message Centre for Hairy-legs
Hi Natasha!
Jimi X Started conversation Dec 7, 2000
Have you given any thought to changing your nickname from Researcher 16512304349 to something that rolls off the tongue a bit better?
I liked your introduction.
Are you a twin yourself? I haven't read all your pages yet to find out. I too am fascinated with twins. When I was a sports reporter I did a big article on athletes who are twins. It was interesting - some of the pairs competed in the same sports, but many of them participated in individual things like track and field rather than in team sports.
Anyway, welcome to the Guide and if you've got any questions, feel free to pop by my personal space or ask in this forum.
You can get to my personal space, of course, by clicking my name at the top of the forum of by hitting this link:
- Jimi X
Hi Natasha!
Hairy-legs Posted Dec 14, 2000
Okay Jimi...(you have to read your message because I am replying directly)
Yes I have considered changing my nickname but I don't know how. Help please!
Thanks. How did you find it?
No I'm not a twin, but my grandmother is, my aunts are and my cousin is. Are you? Your article sounds really cool. I know about Tim and tom Gullickson (is that right?) who play tennis. Anyway, every member of their international team or whatever was given a car each, but they were given one to share. Calvin and Alvin Harrison do single sports - but do they go in the same events? All I know is that they were both in the relay team. I also know - and this time I know them in person - twins who play lots of sports. They do team sports but also individual sports. They try not to race against each other except for when they're in the finals and there's no choice. The problem is that one is dominant - and this is very noticeable.
Thanks, I do have a question but asked someone else, and can't be bothered to type it out again. I'll go find your Space now. Bye the way, were you involved in making the Guide or anything? Are you an editor?
from Natasha (if I had a nickname it would be Hairy-legs)
Hi Natasha!
Jimi X Posted Dec 14, 2000
There should be a button labelled 'preferences' somewhere on your personal space. Click on that and the rest should be self-evident.
It wasn't a bad article, but since I wrote if for a newspaper, I can't post it here as it would violate the copyright. Besides, not too many people in a worldwide audience would be interested in high school and college athletes from Pennsylvania.
They say that twins skip generations, so maybe if/when you have kids, you'll get a batch of twins. As for making the Guide, I've been here a while and I've written a dozen entries or so. But I'm also a subeditor - volunteers who help out the paid staff by editing submitted entries. So yeah, I guess you could say I've helped build the Guide. It's been a lot of fun.
If you think you're ready to write an entry on something, do check out the writing guidelines at They're a big help!
I'll go and check the other message! Cheers!
- X
Hi Natasha!
Hairy-legs Posted Dec 30, 2000
My dad is an author for newspapers and magazines. He can't do anything with his own work once they've been published - someone or something else has the copyright.
I don't think I'll have kids but I might get twins if I do - HELP! If I do they'll be fraternal. All the twins in my family are fraternal and they hated it.
Sorry I didn't reply for ages. My personal space doesn't work at home. I have to reply at my friend's place.
Hope you had a merry Christmas etc.
Hi Natasha!
Jimi X Posted Jan 2, 2001
Have you set a password in your preferences yet? If you have, you should be able to access the site from anywhere by clicking on the log-in button.
Give it a whirl and see if that solves the problem...
Hi Natasha!
Hairy-legs Posted Jan 6, 2001
Yep, I've got a password. But, like I said somewhere else, I've managed to log on.
But I've got a nickname now.
Hi Natasha!
Hairy-legs Posted Jan 18, 2001
The other person who asked me about my nickname used the very same phrase 'statement of fact' too! Yes, it is a statement of fact. I've never thought of it as a protest against social conventions before but I suppose it could be. It's also because some sheep (I hope you know what that means) started calling me hairy legs, I think it was meant to be an insult because they didn't look to happy when I told them it was my nickname.
In GBL (you'll have to read the entry I wrote on that) people are often named in statement of factish ways. There's also Hook-wristed, the leftie.
By the way, I liked your thingo about your nickname!
Hi Natasha!
Jimi X Posted Apr 9, 2001
What happenned?
Why the new name?
Was it a log-in failure or did you just feel like a change?
Can I ask any more questions?
- X
Hi Natasha!
. Posted Apr 10, 2001
You didn't tell me you were doing the scavenger hunt!!
What happened where? The name? I can't get in as Hairy-legs thanks to the beeping BBC
New user: login failure
Yes, sure (he he he).
Hi Natasha!
Jimi X Posted Apr 10, 2001
If you're having trouble logging in as yourself, you can get that fixed by sending an email to [email protected] with your user number (such as U123456) and your email address. Someone from the ever-so-helpful h2g2 feedback team will reply with your password.
Hope that helps!
Hi Natasha!
. Posted Apr 11, 2001
I did and Abi The Most Wonderful Person In The World replied and told me what to do. I got a new password etc. and logged in except it created me a completely new account! ARGH!! Now I have three!!
Key: Complain about this post
Hi Natasha!
- 1: Jimi X (Dec 7, 2000)
- 2: Hairy-legs (Dec 14, 2000)
- 3: Jimi X (Dec 14, 2000)
- 4: Hairy-legs (Dec 30, 2000)
- 5: Jimi X (Jan 2, 2001)
- 6: Hairy-legs (Jan 6, 2001)
- 7: Jimi X (Jan 8, 2001)
- 8: Hairy-legs (Jan 18, 2001)
- 9: . (Apr 8, 2001)
- 10: . (Apr 8, 2001)
- 11: Jimi X (Apr 9, 2001)
- 12: . (Apr 10, 2001)
- 13: Jimi X (Apr 10, 2001)
- 14: . (Apr 11, 2001)
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