Journal Entries

Spontaneous Compulsory Musical Outbursts

I have recently noticed in myself a strange penchant for bursting into song at quite possibly the most inopportune moments possible. For instance, in the back of a cab the other day on Seventh Avenue in New York, I was surprised to find myself hurling choruses of "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" (from the play _Annie_) at my astonished cab driver. So flummoxed was he that he swerved into a storefront and ran bleeding and clutching his head towards 45th street, where he was hit by an oncoming car.

Ironically, I found myself totally unable to sing at all in the midst of a recording session later that same day. Despite forcing my fiancee to hawk her engagement ring to pay for the studio time, I was simply blocked. I wouldn't even open my mouth.

I wonder what it all means?

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