This is the Message Centre for Conspyre

Hi Conspyre

Post 1


Greetings and Welcome to h2g2.
Names Babel-17 and I am an ACE (assistand community editor), one of the meeter/greeters around here. Just thought I would drop by and say 'Hello' and to provide a few useful links (though it appears you are getting on fine smiley - smiley)

The ACE's (Assistant Comunity Editors) reside here:, any problems just ask us by clicking
on this link and posting a message, or click on my name above and
leave a message at my homepage, or just reply to this smiley - smiley
What could be easier?

There is a newcomers page here:
Full of good info.

Feel free to browse around and post in any forums you find

Also feel free to write an article about anything that interests
you. Use the search facility, just in case someone has already
written it. But don't be disheartened if they have, there is
always room for improvement here. If you see an article that
you feel you could contribute to, write it, then ask an ACE
to have a look at it. If they feel it would add to the existing
entry, then they might suggest you submit it. Of course if you are
not afraid of getting a knockback, submit it anyway. You never know
unless you try smiley - smiley
List of Guide Entries that need to be written:
List of Guide Entries that haven't been written, but should:

Also if you fancy a coffee and a chat, drop in to
The Aroma Cafe:

The main thing is to have fun!smiley - smileyOh and have a fish smiley - fish

Also If you click on the HG logo top left of page, it will
take you to the main page, with many a link on it!
See you around,

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Hi Conspyre

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