This is the Message Centre for ash

Hello ash :-)

Post 1

Post Team

Hello ash.
I am an Ace and also the editor of the h2g2 online newspaper 'The Post'.
You seem to be a little confused with the process for adding to the Guide. I have checked out your entry and, sadly, you only seem to have a 'test' notice on there at the moment.
If you need any help writing or editing, please do drop by and ask! You can get to one of my pages by just clicking on my name at the top of this posting. This will take you to the 'Post Office' as I am in editing mode at the moment, but, once there, click on my name and you can visit me at home! smiley - winkeye
Your village sounds delightful, not only because of the interest generated in it through the medium of television. I am sure that an article on it would make a valuable addition to the Guide... not to mention that The Post readers would also enjoy reading it (if you were to allow us to run it that is (absolutely NO pressure!)...
Anyway... I see that another Ace has dropped by and suggested a few links to help you so I won't confuse you with anymore... but why not try typing < magic > without the gaps and see what happens! smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - magic

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Hello ash :-)

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