This is the Message Centre for Citizen Sweeps

Hy you

Post 1


You emember me? We met each other because of Hayao Miyazaki, and beacuse i wanted to know a llitle bit more about you, i decided to get a view on your personal space. and how i see there are a view mor things we got together 8talkking about the leadership of america....) so maybe you could leave me a messege too and maybe we once could drink some smiley - tea together and talk about films or something elese!!

Hy you

Post 2

Citizen Sweeps

Hey, what's new?

Hy you

Post 3


Nothing new here!!!
You're from america let me think that means it's about 10 oclock there now (If you`re from the east coast)! do you also like real movies or are you a real anme freak?
Maybe we are both onlinethe next time! hope to hear from you soon!
and never forget: smiley - dontpanic

Hy you

Post 4

Citizen Sweeps

Yeah, you've got the time right, I'm on the east coast.

I enjoy animé, but I'll watch about any kind of movie.

Hy you

Post 5


So could you give me something like a list of your favorite movies, because iàm also something like a film fanatic!
(by the way ignore my bad english, with a little bit of fantasy you can guess waht i want to say)

Hy you

Post 6

Citizen Sweeps

List of favorite movies? You've put me in quite a spot, that's no easy task.

I'll list movies and specific people whos works I enjoy.

- The Matrix Series (Except the second one, that wasn't very good. But The Animatrix was nice too.)
- The work of Hayao Miyazaki (duh)
- The work of Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer, Kung-Fu Hustle)
- UHF (cult classic movie written by Weird Al Yankovic, who also plays the lead role)
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (of course)
- Catch Me if You Can (probably one of my favorites ever. The story is incredible, the book was written by Frank Abignale himself, and is even better.)
- Edward Scissorhands
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (old & new)
- The Harry Potter series (again, the books are better.)

I'm sure I could name a lot more if I sat and thought about it for a while.

Hy you

Post 7


Somehow you are funny. You are ansewring me every single question i ask you while you never ask anything.........
Well however, do you laso like films like clockwork orange or have you ever seen water ship down??
And what is UHF?? (never hurt about it, got to be something that never was published in europ!)
You se questions over questions.... mybe I'll get one too the next time!
smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

Hy you

Post 8

Citizen Sweeps

I haven't seen Clockwork Orange, but it was supposed to be good, so I've been intending to see it for a while.

UHF is a cult classic film written and starred in by Weird Al Yankovic. Have you heard of him down in Australia? He was very big here for a while, especially in the 80s and 90s. He is a singer who mostly does humorus song parodies.

You want me to ask you questions?

Ok then.

What are some of your favorite movies?

Hy you

Post 9


First of all I#am from Austria not from Australia two absolutly diffrent things
austria is a little country under Germany!!!!

Well my favorite movies:
A clockwork orange (or let's say almost evry films from stanly Kubrick)
magnolia (written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson)
pulp fiction (i guess I don't need to say anything to this movie)
"Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain" (You can't know this one but it's one of the best french productions)
Water ship down
Train spotting (although this one is realy sick)
and talking about matrix: (The first part was one of the nbbest movies world have ever seen. But the second part was such a horrible experience for me that i never watched the 3 one.
and last but not least american history Xsmiley - ok
I alos like horror stuff: maybe you saw secret window or seven (both great movies)smiley - vampire

Thats also just a little bit of my filmlist but if i start the anime part and realy would write evry single film i like, i guess it waht take about 1000 pages.......smiley - erm

So you're east coast? which state exactly?

Hy you

Post 10

Citizen Sweeps

Austria? My mistake, I must have misread. They are spelt rather similarly, after all.

Yes, I'm east coast. Michigan, to be precise. If you're familiar with your US Geography (I wouldn't expect you to be) you know where it is. If not, it's the state shaped like a mitten and surrounded by lakes.

Hy you

Post 11


It's allight i know the position of Michigan. Tell me a little bit more about yourself...
i mean all iknow right now is that you like films and dislike your President but thats all.
Where are you working for example? or have you got any pets or a family?

of course this won't make any important diference but somehow i want to know with whom I am talking here.

Hy you

Post 12

Citizen Sweeps

It might surprise you to learn I'm actually still in high school. (That's 9th-12th grade over here, don't know about Austria).

I'm currently unemployed (like a discontenting ammount of people in my city), but I've been seeking work.

I desire a career in either film or writing one day, maybe both.

How about yourself? What're you like?

Hy you

Post 13


Well i actually did my first year on universety this year. I studie architecture (What actually was my second idea, i first wanted to study film and direction..... But you can study this just on a FH (thats something like a privat scool afer scoll) The funny thing was that i passed the test you have to do to get taken but I couldn't pay the 1200 euro per Semester to stay there) smiley - wah

Well not this worse, I like arcitcture too. I am living Innsbruck but right now i stay in a very small city (8000 people and still it's called a city) because my parents live here.

I've got a lot of inconsequentially ( I hope thats the right word, i wanted to say something beetwen unimportant and senseless) hobbys like acting or painting and of course reading.

By the way, if something isn't clear beacuse of my bad grammer or spelling, just ask, I won't be mad about it.

You said that a lot of people are unemployed in your city, are ther any numbers available about the rate of unemployed people in the USA????
Please don't get me wrong about this point, a lot of people in europ are searching for something to be against the US. i just want to know some facts (because it's hard to get some objective numbres about the USA in general)so i can make myself a icture about realkity. Here in Austria you cold say there is something like an anti-america propaganda going on. And i really don't want to be a part of this "we hate america society", because i think it's not America we should hate, it's also not the muslims we should hate, we should hate their leding terrorits.
I just want to understand the global situation, i think if you get in contact with peolple of other countrys you will find out that the diffrence between people aren't this big, because in the end they all share one hope, one dream: To get happy.(sounds easy but it's true) And they also share one faith, and i guess the big politicians don't care about the faith, they just care about their faith.

Ähh.... jäh i neraly forgot to write this. I also study Volkskunde and sociology (Volkskunde is the science about peoples, their livingconditionds religion and so on....). That's the reason why I#am interestead in such things.

Hy you

Post 14


and i'am sorry to write such long novels, but as a consequents of my small Vocabulary i have to make long and sometimes wrong sentences.

Hy you

Post 15

Citizen Sweeps

"so i can make myself a icture about realkity."

I didn't understand that sentance, but I'll do my best to answer your question.

As of the 2004 statistics, we have 147.4 million (includes unemployed)people in our labor force. The unemployment rate is 5.5%, and 12% is below the poverty line.

(View more of this at

I can understand the anti-US propaganda going around. I almost expect it. Seeing the effects of it though, it really hurts me and other people personally, because we're American. It's strange to realize that a country that was once so popular is now so hated.

In the US, here's a similar type of propaganda going around, but it's directed at George Bush. Almost nobody likes him. He shouldn't have won reelection.

Here's a fact you might find interesting-no wartime president has ever failed to win reelection.

Hy you

Post 16


The sentence was: So i can make myself a picture of rality! 8i should be right now)

Thanks for your link! smiley - smiley

Hy you

Post 17


reality (thats it)

Hy you

Post 18

Citizen Sweeps

OK, now I understand.

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