This is the Message Centre for Falern


Post 1


Xanthe: Greetings Falern. Welcome and good day to you.
I am Xanthe, one from the group known as Mixed Nuts.
It is a pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure is all mine!

Post 2


Hello to Xanthe and all the other Mixed Nuts.
I just had a glance to your page, and ! I don't know about being you Nuts (Almost all great humans are more or less nuts, so it doesn't matter really), but you are indeed Mixed. To tell the truth, I'm a little bit more than confused here. So I welcome any suggestions, especially Nutty ones. And I enjoy Q & A.
Thank you all.

smiley - bat

The pleasure is all mine!

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

What questions do you want to ask, Falern?
Ask away, someone will be back to answer!smiley - biggrin is the Guardian Angels homepage, if you want to come meet us all?

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