This is the Message Centre for Falern


Post 41

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You had a mini-meet-up in Iran?smiley - biggrin
I must report this!smiley - ok
Hope you get better soon, nim!smiley - doctor
~So~ what did you think of Falern?


Post 42

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

I won't say - he might read it smiley - winkeye

(after all, it is *his* forum, isn't it)

But we talked for two hours straight - science fiction, computers, books, movies, music - did I miss something? Oh, yes - CATS! My poor mother! smiley - smiley

Even without pangalactic gargle blasters or what you guys use as substitutes at meets, it was nice.

I should have added that at the first bite of chocolate cake we devoted 5 seconds wishing our Galaxy Babe was here too ... smiley - sadface



Post 43


PS. I knew it. She HATED ME! Didn't you notice?

Hi everyone, especially GB smiley - biggrin. Wish you were there. Someother time maybe.
And a cautious smiley - smiley to Nim. My wings dosen't heart anymore, but they are tickling. Anyway, as we agreed before (Did we really?) it is a peace negotiation between the smiley - cat& the smiley - bat.

Well, let me see what you forget to report:
1- The instant I saw Nim, I carefully lost ballance, and almost fell to the ground! smiley - silly
2- Nim's Mother (A lovely lady, who dosen't scratch stranger researchers with leather wing...No, In this case, Leather overcoat) wanted to measure my height, so that the other members make sure i am really 112 cm. unfortunately the attempt was unsuccessful. the meter was only 100 m long. smiley - sadface
3- I took an article of mine to give her to read, and in fact, I did so. but when I reached home, I found the paper in my briefcase. smiley - steam
4- I didn't pay for anything!smiley - blue
5- Nim gave me a present: a box of X-mas smiley - choc. I'm Going to put it in a frame, and hang it on the wall. smiley - cool
6- At the end of meeting, I forgot to thank them. (I think!)smiley - silly + smiley - silly

So that's why She didn't answer you, GB. what did you expect?


Post 44

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)


that box of chocolates is a x-mas calendar. We are now December 7, so you have to eat up numbers 1 to 7 and then on one for each day.

And my mother was the eldest present so she paid.

GB, we need a "girls only" thread. You think it can be done? Just joking - it can't be done. Will please kindly give me the link for the candle? (and to whom are you reporting the meeting?)



Post 45


Hi, Nim!

I WON'T EAT IT NOW. And I don't tell you why.Consider it a PSR (PS-Revenge). smiley - devil

And I will rememebr the code: "ALWAYS THE ELDEST PAYS". smiley - winkeye

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