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The Very Site of JozCoz
Agnetha352 Started conversation Mar 19, 2008
Good evening, Joz. Great site and I especially love your pet Dom. He's cute.
The Very Site of JozCoz
Jozcoz Posted Mar 27, 2008
Thanks very much
It's always nice to be appreciated.
As for Dom, I'll pass your comments onto him along with his tea. He eats a combination pulped grass and raw meat, similar to his diet before I rescued him from that meteor...
I am crrently in the process of updating my PS as some of the stuff there isn't quite as accurate as it could be...
I would throughly recommed that you put as much as you can in your PS as well. Then people with similar interests as you will find it easier to find you.
The Very Site of JozCoz
Agnetha352 Posted Mar 27, 2008
Thanks for the advice, Joz. Love and respect to you and Dom.
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