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i h8 life
dead-man Started conversation Mar 9, 2007
my girlfriend has just left me and i feel like cra-
i cried non stop for about 3 hours last night turns out she was seeing someone else iv neva gone so close 2 falling off the this moment in time i just want 2 curl up and die thats how bad i feel im struggling not 2 cry right now!!! let jess know that im down and out and that i need 2 talk 2 her soon!!! cuz ill call her as my mobile is playing up i went 2 c john bickford last night i fell 2 my knees and cried when he asked me wat was wrong im now for the 1st time an official broken man
i should hav known though,i loved her so i should hav known something would happen.tell jess creature and mat cuz i trust them not as much as i trust u mate but they should know!!!tell them i cried for hours cuz im not ashamed,love can do it 2 anyone of ous!! ,tell jess 2 come back onto h2g2 when she gets chance i could do with talking 2 her
thanks for being such a gd mate
i h8 life
dead-man Posted Mar 10, 2007
i h8 that she made me cry and i h8 that she left me this wont eva feel better cuz i really did love here and she broke my heart!!! i cant eva forgive her for that but i will neva stop caring about her guess that makes me pathetic but she wont eva feel the same so i may as well give up on luv and on life
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i h8 life
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