This is the Message Centre for Jozcoz
The Toolkit...
RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42] Started conversation Mar 5, 2007
*You recieve a strange parcel with a letter*
Dear Jozcoz...
Here is your Councellors toolkit!
Here is a certificate entitling you to a portion of the Internet (Once we gain hold of it.)
Here is your Deenameetay Candle and Match to go with. Be careful so it doesn't explode.
Here is your towel and copy of the Guerilla E-Warriors Guide to Cyberspace: A14019239.
Happy Web-Grabbing!
The Toolkit...
Jozcoz Posted Mar 12, 2007
I hope you realise I've already got some of the internet anyway...
If you want I could donate some of this to your campain...
The Toolkit...
RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42] Posted Mar 12, 2007
*Eyes light up at 404 screen*
Oh dears.
But still, yes! It would be great.
I'm going to put the badge and link on every page of my site next update...
Oh, the coding... *Shudders*
The Toolkit...
Jozcoz Posted Mar 13, 2007
If you come up with some cool coding that I could put on my website let me know!
The Toolkit...
RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42] Posted Mar 13, 2007
Good point, I should create an HTML code for putting the badge on sites...
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The Toolkit...
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