This is the Message Centre for Master Yak 157854

Welcome to H2G2.

Post 1

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Hey there, Master Yack! Welcome to H2G2! My name is Gw7en and I am one of the ACEs (Assistant Communitee Editors). We're here to say hello to new folks and help out as best we can. Here are some sites that you may want to visit, to help answer questions you might have: - The Newcomers' Page - The ACEs' Homepage

These should give you a good basic understanding of H2G2. The most important thing is that you have a good time while you are here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. smiley - smiley


Welcome to H2G2.

Post 2

Ducky, Saint & Muse of Waterfowl

Hi from Ducky

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