This is the Message Centre for Researcher 157598

greetings Researcher#157598..

Post 1

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Hello and welcome to h2g2!smiley - hug
This is a great place, with lots of things to do!
To start, I have created a page for newcomers here:
Then once you are more confident, you may like to take a look at some of the great entries just submitted to
I read a good one yesterday on "blu-tac" and the best one I have read this week was on "rollercoasters"!
You may be inspired to write your own!smiley - cool
Commenting on other Researchers' work starts off good discussions and friendships do develop. Another good way to find like-minded people is to use the "Search" facility at the top of the page, type in a keyword, and see what comes up!smiley - biggrin
Don't be afraid to post on people's pages, I am always delighted when someone new drops by!smiley - ok
If you need any help, just click reply, and I'll return.smiley - magic
Have fun hitchhiking around!
~Seven of Nine~

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greetings Researcher#157598..

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