This is the Message Centre for Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

[Herald of Heaven]

Greetings, Patron Saint of Fuzzy Thinking!smiley - hug

This is the All-Access pass to Heaven:

Towards the end, just above 'Enjoy' you will find a link to the Guardian Angels' egroup - it is a very good way to stay updated and informed about everything that goes on... please join!

Congratulations!smiley - angel

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 2

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink
Being the patron saint of fuzzy thinking entails a great responsibility.
smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink
True fuzzyness of thought isn't easy to achieve. it takes years of dilligent practice to get here. It took me, for example, five weeks to discover that my fuzzy application had been processed and approved ... if that's not fuzzyness of thought, what is?
smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink
'um eye a reel anchel now?
smiley - coffeesmiley - coffee
How do I change my handle to suit my new angelic status?
How do I get my name on the list of angles, - er - angels?
How do I ruffle the fuzz of the other angelics?


Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Fuzzy thinking - mmmm, sounds interesting, says the Muse of Confusion....smiley - winkeye

Hmmm, sorry, but since English is a foreign language to me, I'm not sure about the 'handle' - would that be your researcher name?

You'll find a drop down list of angels on the Angels Resource Page:
and instructions on how to add it to your page. At the very end of the list you'll find a line saying
That link leads to Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan, who is responsible for updating the list...
I don't think he's had the time to add the newest angels to the list yet...

I see you already found your way to the heavenly party following the sainting ceremony...smiley - smiley

Oh - and do join the angels' e-group, it's a very good way to find out what is going on!smiley - angel

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 4

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

And what is your mother tongue, Tatiana?
Not really having any language as my mother tongue myself, i know your problem ... yes, "handle" means name or alias or something.

Thanks for the help, I'm already member of the angels e-group.

Yes, I think that the patron saint of fuzzy thinking and the muse of confusion should have a lot in common ...

I'm working on a smiley for fuzzy thinking, but it looks sort of blurred ...


Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

My mother tongue is supposed to be Finnish (both parents Finnish), but since I was born and grew up in Sweden, my Swedish is a lot better than my Finnish... does that make ME Finnish or Swedish? Don't know.... #confused#smiley - erm

...and if you'd like to change your researcher name, just click on the 'Preferences' button and change your nick name...

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 6

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

There's a considerable difference between "finlandssvensk" and "svensk-finsk", isn't there?

Now, if your parents were Swedish-speakers and you grew up in Finland you would be Finlandssvensk, if you grew up in Sweden and your parents were Finnish , you would be finsk-svensk. If you grew up in Sweden and your parents were Finnlandssvenske you might even be finnlandssvensk-svensk.

No Tatiana, I can't help you with your identity crisis, but I'm sure i can give your confusion a new fuzzy clarity.


Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 7

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

PS I discovered the "preferences" button on my own. I hadn't tried that before, because I thought changing preferences might have dire consequences for my sexual proclivities.



Post 8

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

This post has been removed.


Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

This post has been removed.

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 10

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

Perhaps you could start a Finnish forum.

Takk for tipset.


Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 11

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

... or finnish a start forum.

smiley - smiley

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