This is the Message Centre for Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 1


Hello Merdo

I understand you talked with Galaxy Babe about getting a Guardian Angel. The one you asked for , Zoe, isn't available at the moment. Would it be OK if I filled his shoes until he returns?

Go check out my home page - if you'd rather have another selection - feel free, but I'm quite happy to be your GA if it's OK with you. Just reply to this message, and let me know. Don't panic if you don't hear back over the weekend - I may be IRW.

Archangel Kes

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 2

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

Sure, Kes, the only real interest i had in Zoe was his patronage of mutiple personalities. If you have a look at my research station, you'll understand why that is relevant.

I now understand that even if I hire my own team, it won't be easy to have a separate space for each of them, at the same time subordinant to the team space.

I have solved this by including the subordinant research assistants' URL in corerespondance coming from them. However it would be nice if Melvin, Felicia, Villig, and our management team. could have their own handle for conversations, without having an own account.

Is it possible for me to have multiple handles within the same user space?


Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 3


I've seen several ways of handling this within h2g2 .... none of them (to my mind) ideal. I guess you'll have to pick the one that suits your needs best.

You can have several "real" users sharing the one h2g2 account, though when any one of them wants to exert his\her individual identity they need to start their message with that id in the text.

You can have one user, with one account, exercising multiple personalities. Obviously, when each personality posts, they must state their ID in the text, or in the title to the posting.

Lastly, it is (obviously) possible to have multiple h2g2 accounts, each of which will have a unique id. The drawback here is where one user is trying to manipulate multiple accounts concurrently - including having them converse with each other. The requirement to log out of one id, then log in under another definitely disrupts the flow.

Does that help? Come back with more questions if you have them. smiley - smiley

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 4

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

that was what I thought.

One possibility would be to have an account for "Team Merdo Research," including Melvin Farinosa, Felicia Aestiva, Villig Von't He, and our Management team as 'sharing' users, and a second account for me With links to the 'Team Merdo' page.

Eventually, I would like to get around to writing specific h2g2 entries from each team 'member' that are referenced under their own handles, as well engaging them as participants, when appropriate, in discussions and conversations. How would one arrange this in practice?

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 5

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

The other question I have pondered (in response to something I read on some thread or other) is whether it is possible to put links in a user area that switch directly to a translation of that page on Babelfish? I find it illogical that H2G2 being gallactic in spirit, is monolingual in practice.


Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 6

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

And last but not least, is it possible to register a personal "smiley" item. I have a neat little winged M that I would like to sign entries with as

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 7


For each team member to be (in effect) an accredited author, each one would have to have his\her own id - by opening those accounts at h2g2 - just the same way you became a Researcher.

Though there is not a universal translator, there is a bubblefish translator (at A467462 )!

Finally, no, you can't register your own smiley. As set out in the terms & conditions (which you accepted when you signed on) all intellectual property for things written in h2g2 resides with h2g2 ... sorry, but them's the rules .... nothing to stop you using it though - it's a nice smiley!

Hope that helps!

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 8

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

the little .gif file was neater.

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 9


True ... but you can still use it on your pages ...

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Merdo the Grey!
All being well {fingers crossed} your Sainting sould take place today!smiley - flyhi
~Galaxy Babe~

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 11


Congratulations, Saint Merdo! Welcome to the ranks!

Merdo - you asked for an Angel?

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Congratulations! If you want to read your Sainting it took place here:

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