This is the Message Centre for coffeeshaman
Welcome to h2g2, coffeeshaman!
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation May 22, 2005
Hi coffeeshaman and welcome to the wide and wonderful world of h2g2.
What a marvellous decision you made to join us!
I think you'll find plenty of and
lovers around this site, though personally I prefer
I am your ACE (Assistant Community Editor) a researcher just like yourself except I've had 5 years more experience
So if you have any problems accessing parts of the site, want to know how to write your first Guide Entry, want to know what the rules are, how to find people to talk to, etc., just click the reply button, post a message and I'll be back to answer.
Fan of Douglas Adams eh? Fancy that! Here's his Personal Space: U42 of course!
Here's a I think you'll find it useful around here!
Galaxy Babe
p.s. There's an editied entry on coffee here: A1675
Then there's:
A592832 Ways to Make Good Coffee
A670015 Organic Coffee
A466283 Blue Mountain Coffee
A883497 Ordering Coffee in France
A442829 Coffee in Spain
A545203 Coffee Republic, Waterstones, Nottingham, UK
A155882 Coffee Tables
A241930 Tim Hortons Coffee and Donuts
A1165457 Lloyd's of London - from Coffee House to Insurance Market
A1103770 How to Make Coffee Cream Liqueur
A307135 Second Cup Coffee
I hope you find something interesting
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Welcome to h2g2, coffeeshaman!
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