This is the Message Centre for Svlad


Post 1

Jimi X

Welcome to! You are most likely new here and find the site to be a bit huge and hard to get a handle on.

I wear a lot of different hats around the site, but one of my favourites is that of an ACE (Assistant Community Editor). The ACEs are a volunteer group which the site has asked to go around and greet newcomers and steer them toward a few of the places we feel should be highlighted.

This site is designed to become an interactive and updatable Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything (much like the fictional Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Douglas Adams' books), the big difference is we're only seeking entries about good old planet Earth and its environs.

One of the first things you'll want to check out is the writing guidelines at These contain a wealth of ideas to get started writing Guide Entries of your very own.

Browsing the Edited Guide with the Search Engine can also be fun. I've been here for over a year and still do it from time to time - it's amazing what things people have written. One of my favourites is an amusing entry on "How To Pick Up A Porcupine - A Personal Perspective" at

Anyway, I hope that long rambling monologue was helpful! If you've got any questions, feel free to stop by my Personal Space at and leave a message.

You can also get answers by going to which are our help pages. Newcomers should also check out these three pages: - ACEs home page - Newcomers' page - Welcome

Hope to see you around the Guide soon! And welcome!!

- Jimi X

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