This is the Message Centre for Ant

S'how's PA?

Post 1

what you know as km

Mind you, if you get lost and can't find Chicago, or if Pennsylvania is too cold and bumpy, you can always come back early. smiley - winkeye

Strange that—typed "home" first, had to change it to "back" for... well for logic. smiley - smiley

Anyway, yeah. smiley - winkeye So hiiiiiii!

S'how's PA?

Post 2

Jimi X

Cold and bumpy?!?

How dare you!!

Just because you live in a flat, sinkhole-ridden steamy swamp! smiley - winkeye

Pennsylvania's got, well, it's got....
Well Greg and I live there, so that's got to count for something?

(my state's better than your's) smiley - smiley

S'how's PA?

Post 3

what you know as km

A lot of states are better than mine.

Coma, for example.

smiley - winkeye

S'how's PA?

Post 4

Classic Krissy

HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was funny. I really have nothing to add here.

*skulks off feeling pointless*

S'how's PA?

Post 5

Jimi X

That was funny!!

Ask Ant about the tunnels....if he was on the turnpike he'll have gone through about five of them.

*marks the date that KM made me laugh and spared my boss's life for another week*

S'how's PA?

Post 6

Classic Krissy

OOoo! Who knew that KM was wandering around using life-saving tactics?

S'how's PA?

Post 7

Jimi X

LOL! I would suspect KM did. She seems to have super powers or something. smiley - smiley

S'how's PA?

Post 8


Yeah but the tunnels were long and tunnel like, not that exciting smiley - winkeye

S'how's PA?

Post 9

Jimi X

That's not what my daughter says....

And one late night road trip to Pittsburgh with my wife, she woke up and shouted, 'Don't drive into the ovens!' causing me to swerve across three lanes of traffic in terror. smiley - smiley

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