This is the Message Centre for Ant

You know, I quite like

Post 1

what you know as km

"Dear Eleanor."

Just saying.

Oh, and you've misspelled 'rumors.' smiley - winkeye

You know, I quite like

Post 2


Only quite like then smiley - winkeye

You know, I quite like

Post 3

what you know as km


Er, wait.


Oh. Yes, well, I don't want anyone to think I'm a crazy stalker fan sort of thing do I? smiley - winkeye

You know, I quite like

Post 4


Um , I was wondering, are you a crazy stalker fan sort of thing?

Just, you know, asking.

You know, I quite like

Post 5

what you know as km

Well, do you think I am?

You know, I quite like

Post 6


Point taken.

*saunters to nearest exit and makes a mad dash for freedom*

You know, I quite like

Post 7


No no, she's my stalker, there's no need to worry bubs smiley - winkeye

You know, I quite like

Post 8

an apple tree

but WHO is stalking HER?...

You know, I quite like

Post 9


Ant is, which would, I'd have thought, make the whole stalking thing a bit of a logistical nightmare.

You know, I quite like

Post 10


You can't even begin to imagine smiley - winkeye

You know, I quite like

Post 11

Classic Krissy


*passes out*

You know, I quite like

Post 12


*uses a sponge and the contents of a bucket to revive Krissy*

You know, I quite like

Post 13

Classic Krissy






*looks at Jonny*

Is that Spartus water?

You know, I quite like

Post 14


Um, yes.

Took me ages to mop it all up with the sponge.

You know, I quite like

Post 15

Classic Krissy

I thought so. (tthhpbb)

It's hard to miss when you've been doused in liquid Spartus.

Do you have a towel? *stands around and drips*

You know, I quite like

Post 16

Classic Krissy

*re-reads that*


*turns bright red and races off*

You know, I quite like

Post 17


ROFLOL smiley - smiley

You know, I quite like

Post 18



You know, I quite like

Post 19


Now, if you could turn to the right and cough again...

You know, I quite like

Post 20

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

LOL. smiley - smiley It's OK. I'm not stalking anyone. *tip toes out again* smiley - smiley

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