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*broadcasts stay-awake vibes*

Post 1

what you know as km

...all the way to the Interstate...

...cause I seem to have more than enough at the moment, and the roads are long and straight and dark and dull.

*broadcasts stay-awake vibes*

Post 2


I survived and stayed awake smiley - smiley Stopped for petrol halfway which, helped wake me up... next week I'll take the turnpike as it's only a couple of dollars I've discovered.

*broadcasts stay-awake vibes*

Post 3

what you know as km

Yay for the turnpike! Which is slightly less straight, but also gets rather dark at night I'm afraid... smiley - winkeye

*broadcasts stay-awake vibes*

Post 4


So's the 95 smiley - winkeye

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