This is the Message Centre for Ant

Who should have open lunch?

Post 1

what you know as km

You work too much.

Except for right now of course, cause reading this doesn't count as working. See what you're doing right now? You ought to do more of that. smiley - smiley

Who should have open lunch?

Post 2


Can I read this again with my arms around you at your place on Saturday then? smiley - winkeye

Who should have open lunch?

Post 3


*cues 70s disco music, puts a big floppy pimp wig on Ant, holds the camera steady*

Who should have open lunch?

Post 4


If that's what happens when you hug someone S. then you're very strange smiley - winkeye

Who should have open lunch?

Post 5


Why do you think I never hugged you in London? We would have been arrested. smiley - winkeye

Who should have open lunch?

Post 6

Classic Krissy

Hee hee hee!!

Boun Chicka Woun Woun...hee hee

And I can say that with impunity because I'm actually a nun.

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