This is the Message Centre for jecook


Post 1


Life is been treating me good and bad.

good: I've managed to keep my job through two rounds of layoffs at my company. I'm still in good general health.

bad: My truck broken down to the tune of $670 US. Ouch. My company is moving farther out of town, so I will have a long commute.

I've discovered that "Starship Titanic" refuses to run on Windows 2000. Sigh. This is ok, because so little of my amusements run on it. I've got better things to do with my spare time anyway, such as reading for the first test for my CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) certification. My little ISDN router does not support the nifty IP Telephones our company is using now. This is ok, I use my cell phone for the most part.

Here's my home page, for those that care:
[URL removed by moderator]

Please note that content linked on that page may not be suitable for closed minded persons. as posted on the bottom of the screen, in the fine print, the BBC is not responsible for it's content. I myself am. No flames please.

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